The Final 10 Days
Hello all! As we approach the final count down to the show in Silo City, I will from this point on be finishing each post with a link to the event Post-Industrial Ephemera: Soundings, Gestures and Poetics (22-29 April 2017). Feel free to check out the site and read about the many talented artists who will be exhibiting their work in this space!
Ten days...
I was unable to bring mini mountain with me to a site (that shall remain nameless), so it was left outside to face the elements and any potential territorial animals that may pass by! Here's a quick snapshot, but that's not all...

I felt so lucky to still have mini mountain waiting for me when I returned, that in the spirit of good will, I established a new mound of soil and grass seed, that I just happened have on me (wink) May you sprout and flourish in this beautiful new site baby mound!
Check out Post-Industrial Ephemera: Soundings, Gestures and Poetics for more information on the Silo city show! Opening reception Saturday April 22, 2017 2-5 pm