"A hole's natural enemy is the pile"

My name is Lauren (creator of the art on this site) and this is the beginning of an experimental project that I have titled Where I stand is fair and square.
I'm very excited to say that at the end of April 2017 I'll be participating in the show
Post-Industrial Ephemera: Soundings, Gestures and Poetics which is a collaborative exhibition featuring SUNY-Buffalo and Brock University artists. And so, this blog marks the beginning of a quasi-performance countdown that I'm doing in anticipation of the event in Silo City, where I'll be contributing a performance piece.
So lets get to it!
Beginning April 1st, I'll be carrying with me a pile of grass that I've grown from seed. Interesting fact about grass, did you know that it stabilizes the earth and helps prevent soil erosion? Well, after growing piles of grass for nearly half a year, I can testify that it in fact does! My pile of grass, or as I lovingly refer to as my "miniature mountain" will accompany me everywhere I go (in Canada) for the next 22 days as I prepare for my performance in Buffalo.
As we count down to the event, (which will without a doubt be a fantastic display of work by some of the talented artists living on both sides of the river), I'll continuously update this blog to document the quasi-performance experience, and any thoughts that may be generated during this time.
As to why I'm walking around with a clump of grass for the next couple of weeks before this event even takes place, let me just say this. Some of the greatest things comes through the act of discovery. I intend to share in this discovery with you :)