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17 days and counting...

So its been an interesting couple of days, visited numerous cafes/restaurants, stores, houses and one of my work sites and you know what? People are incredibly polite! Maybe a few curious glances, but no comments, but one friendly question from a stranger. Funny, we spoke for sometime subject of why I had a mound grass sitting on my shoulder came up.

Suspenseful little moment...

Took this photo yesterday while paying a house visit. There was a bit of a tense moment as mini mountain was positioned in a nice patch of sunlight on the floor. I kept a wary eye on the little dog in the background who I feared was going to (ahem) "mark" or "Claim"mini mountain as his own.

However, all worked out as he seemed to be just as wary of us.

*2020 Update: I feel compelled to answer a faq about this moment in the performance. Had Sid (the dog) "marked" this mound of grass, I would've relinquished it in a humorous act of performative spontaneity as the dog would've clearly staked claims on my little piece of earth. The notion of ownership doesn't always equate money.

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Lauren Regier, All rights reserved.

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